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Monday, April 28, 2014

Upcoming Group Shows at Artists' House Gallery, Philadelphia

I'm pleased to share that I'll have work in two upcoming group shows at Artists' House Gallery  in Old City Philadelphia.  

Artists' House Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

On Flora and Fauna: Close to the Heart

 Artists' Reception Sunday, May 4th from 2 - 4 pm
Show runs through the month of May


Philly to the Shore: From Brick to Sand

 Artists' Reception Sunday, July 6th from 2 - 4 pm
Show runs through the month of July

Spring Painting

Motivated by the first blooming flowers after a long winter, it was great to get outside and work without three jackets on.  

Forsythia, 12 x 12", oil on canvas

As I was finishing this up, I observed someone talking on their cell phone; I liked how his belly matched the sky.

View of Carpenter's Woods, 10 x 10", oil on canvas

Here, I was as much intrigued by the first hints of spring in the foreground as I was by the view of Carpenter's Woods in the background. 

Painting Along Cobb's Creek, 16 x 20", oil on linen

It was fun to paint not only a beautiful spot along Cobb's Creek, but to include my friend, painter Alexandra Tyng, in the piece.